
Where Do I Go On Monday

Please come on now, step in, sit down
I've got some real bad news
It seems that those who own this town
No longer have the use

For folks who work an honest day
The likes of you and me
And so I've called you in to say
They've closed the factory

They've sent our jobs some other place
Half way across this Earth
Where someone with a different face
And far-off land of birth

So much in need of U.S. trade
To feed their family
Works for one tenth of what they paid
In our old factory

And what do I tell my man, and how will we make ends meet
And what'll I do now on so that my kids can eat
And after the sweat and tears I put in for twenty years
I need to know where do I go on Monday

So please shut down the big machines
Yeah, dull their mighty roar
Don't worry if they aren't cleaned
Won't matter anymore

Take jackets, pictures, everything
That made this hell a home
The old fat lady's 'bout to sing
It's time that we were gone

Just one last thing before you leave
I really want to say
You all have been like family
Each night and every day

Tonight you will be in my prayers
Be strong and go with grace
And may God keep you in his care
Through what we now must face

© Richard Eppedio and C.R. Keyser-Posner/Smokesongs Ltd.